Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday, July 28

Limited time and computer access to write about our days. Monday we went to the genocide museum and in the afternoon to the Killing Fields. I had not been there before. It has been over 30 years since the events of the Khmer Rouge, and there are still bones, teeth and clothing fragments in the earth where mass graves were uncovered. It was difficult to see but necessary to understand the Cambodian people and the country that they are having to remake.
Tuesday was a very long but fun day. We went to the Cambodian market - huge Walmart only no big box - hundreds of little boxes of vendors selling everything. We bought fabric and paint and then went to each of the Prek Eng homes. Between 12:30 and 8:00 pm we did well-clinics, played games and did hair, and used our paint to create a banner for each home with every child and staff member's handprints on it along with their name. Great day! Very tired.
Today we rode a bus for 6 hours to the northern part of the country where Angkor Wat temples are that we will see tomorrow. This evening we took a boat ride - similar to the Jesus Boat - out to the Floating Village - people too poor to own land live on these boats in the lake. Amazing - I need to pass on the computer. One of the computers that was brought on the trip died. So there aren't too many chances to share this around with our schedules. Thanks for your prayers and for your comments. I love to hear from you.


HollyDays said...

The filling fields sound amazingly sad. Can't imagine.

The kids did a little "modeling" this morning with WCS Spirit Wear. They enjoyed being with the high school students. Tonight we are celebrating birthdays with Connie.....pray that it is a good evening.

We spent ALL DAY at the pool yesterday and have very pink cheeks to prove it! :) So fun.

Miss you and am so glad to see your updates. Love you.

Unknown said...

Love to hear about the trip. Sounds like long days on the buses and such.

Been pretty busy at the studio. Been writing with Scott Dente, one of my big time musical influences which has been a little surreal!!

Lisa and little Baby Ezra are hanging with us this week which is fun:)

Looking forward to having you down here. Hopefully it'll be cooler then!

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy,
Thanks for the updates on your trip. Its so sad to read about other people groups who have been persecuted down through all the generations...can't wait until the King returns to make things right!

The prophecy conference continues to be a real blessing. My mind is pretty blitzed right now after hearing so many different speakers. Don & Hope are taking notes on their laptops each session. I tried on mine, but the battery is pretty weak, and this computer needs to be plugged in most of the time to work properly, so I gave up. I am going to order cds of the speakers I liked the most...will be glad to share.

Yesterday we took a road trip to find quilt gardens along a special route, but they weren't well marked, so we gave up and went to dinner! We then went to hear Fred & Candy's band concert and to their house afterward for strawberry shortcake. Grandma & Grandpa are enjoying the week, but tire pretty easily so haven't come to all the sessions. Bill & Sallie got air conditioners for their downstairs, so at least mom & dad are pretty comfortable in this heat wave and able to rest comfortably. Today Hope & I pampered ourselves and got our nails done. When Hope mentioned that she hadn't had a manicure since Tim & Emily's wedding which was 3 years ago I thought the manicurist was going to fall off her chair! :-)

We continue to pray for you often each day. We are so thrilled you have this opportunity to serve. How are your feet doing? We love you!

Don, Donna & Hope

Troy and Julie said...

Wow - you have been busy. I hope your feet are feeling better. I'm glad you were able to see the floating village!

Lee Ann said...

Thanks, Judy, for your wonderful updates. Almost like being there. Praying for your time there that your days will be productive and uplifting for all. Memories are made of trips like this. Love and blessing!

Marla Taviano said...

I love reading all this! We can't wait to go back! Did our letters make it safely? :)